- Walks
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- Storywalk: Merrivale Rows and Wild Ritual
Storywalk: Merrivale Rows and Wild Ritual
Event Description
Adventure into the storied landscape. Follow in the footsteps of our ancestors as we walk the stories of Dartmoor. Join author Helen JR Bruce on a leisurely paced walk, with stops to enjoy the scenery and share tales in the locations which inspired the folklore. We will speak the stories of the land back to the land, with gratitude, and consider the relevance which they still hold for us today. Expect lively tales of mischievous pixies, spectral hounds, ghosts and land spirits, plus hands on interaction as we honour our connection with the land.
Date: Thursday 4th September 2025
Time: 10.30am - 1.30pm
Length: 5 miles
Start location: Four Winds car park
Dogs? Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome
Instructor: Helen Bruce, author, storyteller and Communications Officer with Dartmoor Preservation Association. Helen will be accompanied by Hannah Durdin, Director of Moorland Guides and co-director of Dartmoor Outdoor Festival.
Tickets for this event have been funded by the Dartmoor
Preservation Association, with the aim of making them accessible to local families.